Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Je Veux Ton Amour Et Je Veux Ton Revenge

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Would You Date Someone Who Is Bisexual?

Is It Ok To Stay Friends With An Ex?
My friend Mar recently wrote a blog asking "Is it ok to have sex with an ex?" Well my question is kind of similar yet different. In my opinion, yes it is ok to have sex with an ex. Many people today "hook up". They go and have sex with a person they met at a club or put their ass up in the air on the 1st date haha. So heyy, if u can have sex with a random stranger then why not have sex with someone who you dated for months or even years.. right? Now, my question is totally different. Is it ok to stay friends with an ex? Think about it. Is it? It makes you wonder many things. Am I really over him? Can I deal with the fact that he's dating someone else? Ok, say you go out to a bar or club with some friends. He comes in with someone else by the arm or hugging and kissing each other. Wouldn't you feel jealous? Wouldn't you start judging the person they're with now? You'd start asking yourself.. "wtf does that person have that I don't?" and probably say things like.. "omg his new bf/gf looks so horrible. He/She has horrible taste in clothes and look at that hair. Yuck! He/She looks like she got that haircut by a blind person." Lmfao!! Not everyone will be like that though. I'm still friends with 2 of my ex's and when I see them with someone else I try and be friends with their new bf. Thats only because I know what my feelings are and I know that I feel nothing for them. Yet I want to still be friends because they are a great person. I would not be friends with a ex who i'd still have feelings cause that'll be a total disaster! If you really think about it though.. is it really ok? Say you start dating someone and they know you're still friends with one of your ex's, how do you think he'll feel? How would you feel if he's friends with HIS ex? You probably wouldn't like it huh. And don't you think he'll feel insecure? Trust is very important in a relationship and if there isn't any trust then whats the point of being with that person. So it can be a good thing to be friends with an ex but it can also be a bad thing. Whats your opinions and thoughts on this? Is it ok? or is it not ok? Till next time ho's. && remeber!! dont do drugs.. mmk?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Guidos And Barbies

Spikey hair, Tight A/X shirts, Headband rockin guidos. Heavy makeup, Marciano Bra's, hair in a puff barbies. Ever heard of the saying, "Don't judge a book by it's cover?" Well this is a perfect example of where that saying comes in. People assume the worst of Guidos and Barbies when in reality they're some of the most nicest people ever! I have plenty of Barbie & Guido friends because those were the type of people I became friends when I used to go to Paramus Catholic Highschool. I met my best friend, Victoria, on a 6th grade field trip to Six Flags Great Adventures. At the time she wasn't a barbie. She actually started to discover make up in 8th grade. I lost contact with her for about a year till I met this girl Amanda on my freshmen year of HS at P.C. She invited me to a "Garage Party" in Lodi and I said yes & thats when I saw Victoria! She was also friends with Amanda. We were both in shock but so happy to see each other. From that moment on, we were together 24/7. Going to Club Avalon in NYC. Meeting new friends like Joslainez and Veronica. I got along with alot of nice people. I even got to be friends with Carmine & John Gotti who I met at Club DNA in Astoria Queens. People would think.. guidos look so conceited and stuck up. They walk around like they own the club. And those barbies look horrible with all that make up on and so trashy looking wearing only a bra to a club. Honey pie.. let me tell you.. If you have a gorgeous body to wear something like that then go for it. It doesnt mean your trashy or you go around sleeping with every men you see. Hells if I was a qirl and had a bangin body like that, i'd be dressing the same! Don't assume barbies are also conceited cause they're not. They're really nice qirls. They'll help out anyone who needs it if they can. Guidos are also nice guys! They'll pay for your drinks at a club. They'll be there for you when your upset or feeling down. I have alot of straight guido friends who everytime some ignorant guy comes along making fun of gay's, they'll defend you from them. Not only gays but anyone who is being bullied. Barbies are the same. They'll only give you good compliments. They're always in a positive mood. They'll stick up for anyone because they consider everyone to be a friend. Next time you wanna judge a barbie or guido in a bad way, think twice before doing so because they're probably more of a better person then you are. Till Next time Ho's.
[[Names of People in the pics from left to right, starting top to bottom]]
Pic 1: Victoria & Joslainez
Pic 2: John, Dominick, & Michael Angelo
Pic 3: Sicilian Barbie (Cathy Jo), Veronica, & Russian Barbie (Britney)
Barbie.. Made By Mattel =)
Shopping With My Sister Makes Me Wanna Choke Someone To Death!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Gay Relationships

<---- Mmm.. isn't that the hottest thing you've ever seen? OMG I love guido's oh so very much. ANYWAYS!! The topic im writing about is Gay Relationships.. as you can see in my title (-_-) Ladies.. you may think you have it tough when it comes to relationships but to us gay people.. your biggest troubles are only the tip of the iceburg. Literally.. gay relationships are only 1 thing & that 1 thing is drama drama & more drama! Seriously!! its like your in one of those stupid spanish soap operas that involve crying, cheating, jealousy.. everything except the getting pregnant part haha. Let me tell you guys about a relationship I was in. I met this guy thru a mutual friend at a club. I was 16 and he was 2 years older then I was. He was the DJ at the club and boy was his Dj name really gay.. Dj Skittles lmao. Talk about homo (skittles.. taste the rainbow bitch) lmao! Anyway's.. he bought me and my qirls drinks, asked me to dance with him, and bought me food after the club (cause as some of you know.. I tend to get the munchies after I finish drinking at a club or party haha). Well, he asked for my number and of course I gave it to him. He took me out on a few dates and after a month of going out he decided to ask me to be his "official boyfriend". Everything was just wonderful! Going out to romantic dinners, going to clubs to see him play, getting roses from him on valentines day. Everything sounds so cute and so perfect right? Well your wrong!! Boy what a total disaster that was!! After 3 months of being "official" he kept calling me 24/7 to check up on what I was doing, who I was with, what time was I getting home. If i didnt go to the club he was DJing (if thats a word) at, he'd call me to yell at me! He'd ask.. why didnt I go? Are you with some other guy? And he'd say things like, I know you got someone else, your cheating on me, blah blah blah! I was so tired of all his drama and complains!! One day, I went with him to his best friends house party and he forgot his phone on the kitchen counter. I happen to have seen it and out of random curiousity.. i opened it. What i found in his phone was shocking!! he had text messages from 2 other guys.. one saying.. "baby last night was amazing. thank you for the dinner and rose.. I really enjoyed spending my time with you.. I can't wait for next weekend." and the other saying.. "babe i'm so happy that tomorrow we make 3 years together. im making a special dinner for us. i love u so much!" Reading those text messages made me think. Either I yell at him.. make a huge scene in front of his friends, and punch him in the face for what he did.. or i thank him for finally giving me an excuse to break up with him? hmm... i think I'll do both haha! which of course I did. Like I said, I was getting tired of all his BS and his drama but I was still upset cause when your in a relationship with someone for 2 years.. its basically impossible to not think about what he did and how he was able to lie to you all that time. After him.. i decided not to give my 100% at first. Sorry guys but your only getting 40% till i see that your not a cheating, lying, lil Skittle haha!! so peeps.. next time you think you have it rough in your relationship.. think twice before saying yours is the baddest cause I can guarantee.. some skittle out there is getting it worse then you are. Till next time lovers!!
P.S. Im considering becoming a nun. A nun who likes to club & drink!! woohoo!!!!
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